Tenancy Inspections


Both tenants and landlords have responsibilities for keeping the property in good condition.

Rental properties should be kept in a reasonable state of repair. Both tenants and landlords have responsibilities for keeping the property in good condition.

We schedule and complete regular property inspection which ensures your property asset is maintained and kept in good condition. Identifying issues early often means maintenance and repairs are less costly.

We have a structured property inspection model. We maintain photographic records of each property which enables us to attribute responsibility and accountability should any issue arise.

Tenancy Inspection Services

Our team carry out Independant Tenancy Inspections on Farm Employee Accommodation and Privately Managed Rentals

Contact our Office on 0273132270 or office@ruraltenancy.co.nz to sign up today.

Property Maintenace

Landlords must provide and maintain rental properties in a reasonable state of repair. This means making sure they’re safe and healthy to live in

Property Repairs

If something gets damaged in a rental property, or needs repairing, it’s important to know who’s responsible for fixing and paying for the problem

Pests & Infestations

Landlords need to make sure the property is free from pests and tenants need to keep their house in a condition that doesn’t encourage pests. They also need to know what to do if there’s an infestation

Smoke Alarms

Working smoke alarms or detectors are compulsory in all rental homes. New smoke alarms must be photoelectric and have a long battery life, or be hard-wired

Mould & Dampness

Rental homes need to be free from mould and dampness before being rented out. During a tenancy, tenants need to keep the house well-aired and remove any mould straight away

Heating & Ventilation

Landlords should make sure their rental home can be well heated and ventilated. Tenants are responsible for ventilating the home during their tenancy

Locks & Security

Both landlords and tenants are responsible for keeping the house secure

Available 24/7

Your tenants can contact us any time, any day in case of emergencies. We will organise urgent repairs and maintenance

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